Sunday, January 22, 2012

365 Photos: 1.22.12

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... a month too late!

365 Photos: 1.21.12

J-Bear and I had a great night playing and watching dinosaur movies together.

Here he is, all snuggled in.

Mommy & her boy!

My little nerd, trying on Mommy's glasses.

365 Photos: 1.20.12

Trying on Gom's slippers. He has a thing for shoes. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Where I'm At....

Here's a little update on where I'm at as far as my list goes:

#1, #2, #3: I've been working on getting back into running shape and plan on running either the 5K or 10K at the Fargo Marathon this spring. I'll be doing my half marathon in October at the FM Mini Marathon.

#5: My tattoo is completely healed up and I love it. :)

#7: I've only missed one day of my 365 Day Photo challenge, so I think that's pretty darn good.

#24: Does Zumba count as a dance class?

#26: I have read a few books in January, finished up "The Hunger Games" series. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an interesting read. Next on the reading list, "The Bullpen Gospels".

That's about all for now, I'll keep updating as I get closer to completing more items on the list!

365 Photos: 1.19.12

J-Bear loves his tumbling class!
Tonight we had a blast on the trampolines, bars, obstacle course and balance beams!

365 Photos: 1.18.12

Was super pumped to find this box at my door when I got home from work... but NOT super pumped when they sent me the wrong item! Hopefully, a very similar box with a super cute, super cheap dress will arrive soon... I'll post a pic when it gets here!

365 Photos: 1.17.12

We went into the evening with high hopes...
But it wasn't meant to be. SAD!

It's okay Bison... we gotta let UND win sometimes. :)

365 Photos: 1.16.12

Every 30-year-old needs furry sequined slippers with pom-poms... right?

365 Photos: 1.15.12

Since I finally took the Christmas tree down yesterday, it's time for Christmas
with Grandma Mae! Strangely enough, this is the ONLY picture I took that day.
It's blurry, but that's J-Bear having a pretend conversation on grandma's phone.
Shortly after, he programmed her answering machine to only speak Spanish.

365 Photos: 1.14.12

So, after couple weeks of procrastination, I finally got the Christmas decorations & tree taken down. I briefly considered just leaving it all up for next year, but thought better of it in the end. Decided to put some new stuff on the mantle... I'm sure it'll change again in a week or so.

365 Photos: 1.13.12

J-Bear loves his Auntie Kaylee so much!

365 Photos: 1.12.12

Mommy & J-Bear had date night tonight after tumbling class. We went to Happy Joes,
ate pizza and played games in the game room. J-Bear had a great time winning tickets
and trading them in for treasures: Tootsie Rolls (cahhhn-deee), an army man,
a sparkly green lizard (yizzard), and a fish tattoo.

365 Photos: 1.11.12

I waited a LONG TIME to see this.

365 Photos: 1.10.12

J-Bear and I spent the day enjoying the unseasonably warm January weather by taking a trip to the park in sweatshirts! I missed him so much while I was in Texas, it was awesome to get to spend the day together playing outside.

J-Bear loves to ride in his Oscar Meyer wagon.

Swings, slides and climbing were the activities of choice.
What a great January surprise.

Monday, January 9, 2012

365 Photos: 1.9.12

Okay, so I missed a day with my photo challenge...
BUT, I posted three pics from the 7th so that makes up for it right? Right.

So now for my pic from today...
New running shoes, shiny and bright, ready to help me train!
I might be nuts.

365 Photos: 1.7.12 - #27 Completed!

What an amazing day, watching the North Dakota State University Bison
become the FCS National Champions!

The boys before tailgating... ready to rock it out.
(C, Pauna, Chuck, Jason, Andy & Jeremy)

Some grateful players at the 50 yard line after the game.

Go Bison! Oh, and #27 COMPLETE!

365 Photos: 1.6.12

Coolest movie theatre EVER. Recliners, waiters, yummy lunch. Everything's bigger in Texas!

365 Photos: 1.5.12

J-Bear snuggling with his plastic dinos. I love this boy so much!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

365 Photos: 1.4.12 - Happy 30th Birthday to Me!

Well, it happened in spite of all my efforts to slow time... I am 30 years old.
Awesome cake, huh? And yes, the fire department was on call for all those candles!

365 Photos: 1.3.12

New ink... #5 Complete!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

365 Photos: 1.1.12

Love these girls! - Out for an early birthday dinner.

30 for 30...

2012 has arrived… and I turn 30 in four days. I have chosen this year to complete a list of goals & tasks and make it a year for the books. Some tasks are meant to challenge me or give me new perspective, some are things I have always wanted to do, and some are just plain fun. The list has been written, the goals set, and now it’s time to get to it! I plan on posting my progress here as I complete each of the items on list and by the end of 2012, hopefully I’ll be 30 for 30!