Sunday, January 22, 2012

365 Photos: 1.22.12

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... a month too late!

365 Photos: 1.21.12

J-Bear and I had a great night playing and watching dinosaur movies together.

Here he is, all snuggled in.

Mommy & her boy!

My little nerd, trying on Mommy's glasses.

365 Photos: 1.20.12

Trying on Gom's slippers. He has a thing for shoes. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Where I'm At....

Here's a little update on where I'm at as far as my list goes:

#1, #2, #3: I've been working on getting back into running shape and plan on running either the 5K or 10K at the Fargo Marathon this spring. I'll be doing my half marathon in October at the FM Mini Marathon.

#5: My tattoo is completely healed up and I love it. :)

#7: I've only missed one day of my 365 Day Photo challenge, so I think that's pretty darn good.

#24: Does Zumba count as a dance class?

#26: I have read a few books in January, finished up "The Hunger Games" series. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an interesting read. Next on the reading list, "The Bullpen Gospels".

That's about all for now, I'll keep updating as I get closer to completing more items on the list!

365 Photos: 1.19.12

J-Bear loves his tumbling class!
Tonight we had a blast on the trampolines, bars, obstacle course and balance beams!

365 Photos: 1.18.12

Was super pumped to find this box at my door when I got home from work... but NOT super pumped when they sent me the wrong item! Hopefully, a very similar box with a super cute, super cheap dress will arrive soon... I'll post a pic when it gets here!

365 Photos: 1.17.12

We went into the evening with high hopes...
But it wasn't meant to be. SAD!

It's okay Bison... we gotta let UND win sometimes. :)